The challenges facing public institutions and accounting professionals have grown strongly. In the last two decades, the need for accounting harmonization for the public sector has intensified, and a clear direction for the adoption of the International Puclic Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) has started, along with the introduction of monitoring mechanisms, namely, control internal and auditing, given the need for greater accountability of managers and public institutions. At the same time, the advancement of technologies leads us to the so-called "Digital Age” and the responsibility of knowing how to deal with the changes that will occur in Public Sector Accounting and in the profession, allowing us to choose the best solutions. The III International Congress of Public Sector Accounting aims to create a forum for the academic and professional communities to discuss, share and disseminate knowledge about the specific area of Public Accounting, constituting itself as an instrument that allows to give visibility to the challenges that put themselves in the coming years. Place and dateAveiro and/or Lisbon, May 20 and 21 ModalityPlenary sessions – Presential / Online / Streaming Parallel sessions - Online Target audienceAcademics, Certified Accountants and other Public Accounting professionals |